Our path leads to urban green spaces
Urban green spaces and nearby nature in general are an oasis of health and well-being. They are easily accessible, offer several natural well-being and health effects for free and reduce, for example, traffic noise, airborne particles and scorching heat in summer.

Urban green spaces are also a cradle of Finnish exercise and movement. Almost all Finns move in nature near their own homes, around 30 percent on a daily basis. The nearby nature also provides a setting for the most popular forms of exercise in Finland, such as walking, Nordic walking, cycling, gardening and wild berry and mushroom picking.
On this site we have gathered information about the health and well-being effects of urban green spaces as well as ideas of how to bring nearby nature into people’s everyday lives and, above all, inspire people to move and enjoy nearby nature every day of the year.
Natural health effects
The most significant well-being and health effects of nature are recovery and reduction of stress. But nature also affects physical health by, among other things, lowering blood pressure and strengthening physical fitness, balance, and motor skills. Strengthening and developing motor skills is important not only for children and young people, but their practice and maintenance is also important for working-age people and seniors.
Hanging out and moving in nature improves mood and reduces perceived stress and exhaustion.
All age groups can benefit greatly by increased time spent in rich natural surroundings.
Urban green spaces -information pages are part of Meijän polku (Our Path) initiative to physically activate the Central Finish population and increase the general use of nature as a part of Finnish outdoor lifestyle. Other initiatives of Meijän polku are for example Nature Stops and Central Finland Trailweek.
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